
Junior Uniform Requirements
Download the Uniform Requirements Document by clicking on the following link:
All Year Uniform
- Regulation school blazer
- Regulation navy v-neck pull-over jersey (short-sleeved and/or long-sleeved)
- Black shoes with single strap over arch – not baby doll design. (Woolworths shoes are acceptable)
- White and or navy regulation panties
- Pair of white sport shoes
- Regulation navy shorts
- Regulation school tracksuit (also worn during exam time when it is very cold)
- Regulation SMS golf shirt
- Plain navy blue school bag
- Navy dri-mac (optional)
- White / navy / tortoise-shell hair accessories
- School civvies: dark blue jeans, navy shorts, golf shirt, school tracksuit
Summer Uniform
- Regulation blue checked frock
- Regulation navy bathing costume
- Regulation swimming cap
- White ankle socks
- Regulation navy swimming towel
Winter Uniform
- Regulation navy tunic for winter
- Regulation navy pants (optional for Junior grades only)
- Regulation white long-sleeved shirts
- Regulation school tie
- Navy scarf and gloves (optional)
- Regulation navy tights or bobby socks
Senior Uniform Requirements
Download the Uniform Requirements Document by clicking on the following link:
All Year Uniform
- Regulation school blazer
- Regulation navy v-necked pullover for winter and summer (shortsleeved and/or long-sleeved)
- Black shoes with single strap over arch – not baby doll design. (Woolworths shoes are acceptable)
- Straw basher with regulation band and badge (Grade 8 upwards)
- Regulation navy shorts
- Regulation SMS golf shirt
- Regulation school tracksuit (also worn during exam time when it is very cold)
- Navy dri-mac (optional)
- Pair of white sport shoes
- White or navy regulation panties – no revealing underwear
- White / navy / tortoise-shell hair accessories
- Plain navy blue school bag
- Blackmail stockings for formal functions
- School civvies: dark blue jeans, navy shorts, golf shirt, school tracksuit
Summer Uniform
- Regulation blue checked frock
- Regulation navy bathing costume
- Regulation swimming cap
- White ankle socks
- Regulation navy swimming towel
Winter Uniform
- Regulation blue skirt
- Regulation white long-sleeved school shirt
- Regulation school tie
- Navy tights for winter or regulation blue bobby socks
- Navy scarf and gloves (optional)
Matric Uniform Requirements
Download the Uniform Requirements Document by clicking on the following link:
Summer Uniform
- White – button-up short sleeved shirt
- Navy pencil skirt, knee – length
- Sheer navy stockings and navy court shoes or sandals
- Pearl earrings
Winter Uniform
- Navy opaque stockings and navy court shoes
- White button-up long-sleeved shirt
- School tie
- Navy pencil skirt, knee – length
- Optional: white jersey / pullover and scarf
Matric Uniform Information
Download the forms here:
Matric Uniform – ORDER FORM
Matric Uniform – Info Letter
Quote for Matric uniform
Sports uniform