Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual Wellbeing

St Michael’s School is a Christian school with an Anglican ethos. Spirituality forms the foundation of daily life at St Michael’s and we strive to nurture girls to be aware that they are spiritual beings and to consider the teachings of Jesus Christ.

While we follow the Anglican tradition, we welcome girls from other faiths and denominations, respecting their beliefs and traditions. However, all girls are expected to attend chapel services and assemblies.

We start every day with Chapel assemblies that focus on strong values and principals based on scripture, That is  are the foundation of our school life and helps to set the tone for each day at our school.

The side chapel functions as a prayer room and girls are encourage to spend time in prayer and reflection.

Sunday services are held in the evening and mostly take the form of Evening Prayer and the Eucharist. Once a term,  we have a combined service with our brother school, St Andrew’s.

Learners may be prepared for confirmation at the school and we hold an annual Confirmation Service for our girls in Grades 10 – 12 with our brother school St Andrew’s.

The School aims to produce caring adults who are ready to serve rather than to be served. To this end the Carers’ Club, the Christian Fellowship Group and the Chapel Servers’ Guild can be joined voluntarily and through these guilds we aim to foster a commitment to improving our communities and society as a whole.

Our School Chaplain, Rev. Grant Trewern is available to the girls for pastoral guidance, counselling and support and we also offer support and care to our learners through the Guardian learner programme.

Almighty God, before whom we stand, make this school a place where truth and love abound. May St Michael and all the holy angels bless and protect us, so that we may be instruments to Your glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.