Old Girls

In loving memory
In memory and honour of our cherished classmate, Jennylind Louis Steinhauer, Class of 1977. She served as Deputy Head Girl, Vice Captain of Clarendon, and Chair of the Debating Society. Our hearts are heavy, and we extend our deepest condolences to her family during this incredibly difficult time. 🕊️

It was super special to welcome back a couple of Old Girls over the weekend of 10 – 11 September 2022. The Matric Class of 2002 was well represented as 2022 is their twentieth year since leaving school. It was great to catch up with girls from the classes of 2000, 2001, 2009 and 2012. We really felt honoured in the presence of Michele Scott (Maritz), Margie Oosthuysen (Reid), both Old Girls from 1972, Carol Kridiotis (Grundill) an Old Girl from 1976 and of course our own acting Principal, Mrs Imelita van der Berg (Schourie) an Old Girl from the class of 1977. The youngest Old Girl present was Shindre Lee Simmons (2015), who joined us on Saturday morning. The Saturday started with a friendly hockey match between the Old Girls and the First XI. To the delight of the Old Girls the match ended in favour of the more experienced players of yesteryear. After the sports, a lovely picnic-style breakfast was enjoyed by everybody, where lots of chatting, reminiscing and laughter took place. We welcomed some other staff members as well. Mrs Noèline Stumpfe, our acting Vice-Principal, Mrs Lee-Ann Thompson, Dr Johan Cromhout and of course another Old Girl, Mrs Melanie Schoeman (Coetzee) from 2001 all joined us. After the breakfast, Dr Cromhout took us on a tour of the school campus, showing the Old Girls all the developments since they have left school, ending in the Chapel where everybody had a moment to call up some special memories. On Sunday morning a special Eucharist was celebrated in the Chapel with Rev Grant Trewern as the President. What a nice surprise to see Mr Rod Crawford and Mrs Virginia Scott. With them present, the picture was complete. The Chapel Choir perfected the service with their beautiful singing under the direction of Miss Joanie Prinsloo. Tea was enjoyed in the beautiful school foyer after the service, where friends had the opportunity for some more catching-up after which everybody started making their way home – smiling happily knowing that their beloved SMS is going from strength to strength.
A big thank you to Dominique le Riche, who was instrumental in organising the weekend’s activities.
Dr J Cromhout

Save the date!
We cannot wait to connect with all of our SMS old girls and see what you’ve been up to!
Keep your eye on the website and Facebook pages to find out more details!